The Basics of Signage

The Basics of Signage

Published by Bannernprint on Jul 19, 2021

Imagine you take a trip to a small shopping square. You enter a large store you had never seen before and start looking around. What do you look for to help you navigate this new building?

The signs! Whether it’s on a school campus, commercial building, or private establishment, signs are an important method of communication. With normal life on the brink of return, it’s important to check if you need new or updated signs in your building.

Especially for workplaces, we recommend you check out mandatory signage the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has outlined.

How to Tell if Your Sign is Outdated

The first sign (no pun intended!) in determining if a sign must be replaced is the physical state of it. Has it been vandalized or dented? Aesthetics are important in appealing to people’s eyes, and this may be especially important if you are looking to update in a commercial business or if you’re wanting more foot traffic in your area. By having clean and shiny signs, people may be more inclined to enter the premises and trust where the signs are leading them. Old, dirty signage might also accidentally turn away potential customers who mistake your business for being permanently closed or run-down.

Another thing to look for is dated artwork or wording. This can lead to confusion in those looking for directions or misunderstanding of danger warnings. So checking and updating your signs will not only help with clarification, but also ensure you don’t run into any trouble as changes in laws can make outdated signs illegal.

Deciding to Buy New Signs

If you are unsure if you need to add signs to your space, consider if you have ever received the same question repeatedly. If the frequently asked question is regarding directions, permitted objects, or restrictions, they can all be answered by adding signs to your building!

Informational signage like wayfinding does not have to be copied and pasted! Feel free to have creative liberty in your signage and make them support the aesthetics of your space. You can get started here by selecting from a range of different sign materials and uploading your design.

Signing Out

Signs can be a great way to bridge communication gaps between you and customers, employees, or visitors. Whether it be these aluminum boards, pvc boards, acrylic boards, or even reflective aluminum signs to help with your signage, you can customize and get a proof in just 30 minutes at bannerNprint. Happy signing!
