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A backdrop is a wall-like graphic cover printed in various different designs. They are made to cover a wall, floor, or ceiling with a specific design. Primarily used in seminars or other events, these backdrop banners cover an area to help the audience understand what is going on. These banners are also used heavily in photo shoots and photo ops. Some people choose to use these banners at their birthday parties when they take pictures with their friends. These backdrop banners are available in different sizes. You can get banners made in customized designs in a wide variety of sizes. Backdrop banners are ideal for an incredible range of use cases. 

Partial coverage

If you want to get good coverage on a wall, a four to five-feet backdrop banner may be the best option for you. These four to five feet high banners are primarily displayed at events, where sitting is necessary, such as an event or a show at a stage where four to six people are sitting and talking for a presentation. Behind these speakers, backdrop banners are typically displayed to show the purpose of the event or to showcase the brand logo or graphics. These backdrop banners primarily cover the wall from the ceiling to 1-3 feet below it.

To fit behind the guest speakers’ tables at a larger event, the backdrop banner should be anywhere from 16 to 18 feet wide. In a situation like this, a four to five foot high flag creates too much room between the top of the banner and the roof of the venue. The message will appear sparse with such vaulted ceilings and a banner that stretches a considerable portion of the ground. Thus, at larger events it is important to aim for a banner height of at least seven to ten feet to achieve a more symmetrical appearance.

Backdrop banners can easily be strung up using regular telescopic support bands so that they begin at four and a half feet from the floor and leave about four feet between the top of the banner and the ceiling. Backdrop banners are perfect to use at any event or seminar. These banners are also easy to set up, ensuring that your event is set up without any hassle. 

Complete coverage

If you need complete coverage with a backdrop banner, you can easily do so utilizing a larger size backdrop. We recommend a backdrop that extends from the floor stretching eight feet or more towards the ceiling to optimize complete coverage of the space behind interviewers, speakers, presenters, or interviewers. This type of background has a more extensive focal area, ensuring maximum coverage. However, consider that the panels sitting in front of the backdrop will block the view of the images or text when you pick a full coverage option. Thus, for a backdrop such as this, you may opt to use a recognizable and professional design such as a brand logo or design.

If a table is present on the stage, it will hide the lower portion of the background for the duration of the program. In order to ensure that crucial information isn't lost from the field of vision of your guests, it is imperative that you plan out your banner design correctly. To avoid this, place your speakers in a way that does not block the backdrop banner words. You can also opt to leave some space at the bottom of the banner empty and leave important information or brand names at the top of the backdrop. 

Backdrop banners are perfect to use at any event as the ideal background. They display professionalism and cohesiveness that your guests, your speakers and the press will absolutely love.

Check out our extensive range of backdrop banners today at bannerNprint! We carry backdrops in a wide range of designs and sizes so that you will always be able to get the right one customized for your event. Whether you are holding a smaller meeting  or a large conference, we are confident that we have the backdrop banner that will fit your needs.

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